English Entry Test (EET) for Prospective Students

1) What is the English Entry Test [EET]?

a) It is an in-house English proficiency test offered to AIT applicants. It is not intended for AIT students. The test fee is non-refundable. 

b) It tests the applicant’s academic essay writing skills with a duration of 60 minutes. The writing score is given on a scale of 1 to 9.

c) As with all English proficiency tests, plagiarism is taken seriously at AIT. There are serious consequences for those who plagiarize or copy and paste their answer from online sources.


2) What is the English Language Requirement to AIT?

AIT is an international institute with a mission to serve as a platform for international students from the full spectrum of highly developed to less developed countries. Its residential campus is today a small replica of the world without borders. English is, therefore, its official media, not only in the classroom but for everyday life, in the interaction among all members of the AIT Community.


3) How do I register for the EET?

There are two ways to apply for EET.

1. ONSITE EET [a paper-based EET test conducted at the Language Center

2. ONLINE EET  [an internet-based EET test conducted via ZOOM]