This free workshop is designed to provide additional support to those who are planning to take the EET (either online or on-campus) or those who have already registered for the test.

Workshop Objectives:

1) To explain the exam format.
2) To provide some useful tips on how to answer the exam.
3) To clarify the marking criteria.

Workshop Topics:

1) Exam format and duration
2) Dos and don’ts in answering the test
3) Marking criteria


Click here to register.

Deadline of registration: every Monday at 1PM Thailand time

Day of workshop: every Friday

Duration: 1 hour

Time: 18:00 – 19:00 (Thailand local time)

Platform: via Zoom

Minimum number of participants: 5


1) This free workshop is open to all potential test-takers and to those who already
registered in their EET.
2) The cutoff for the registration is on every Monday at 1 p.m. Thailand time of the week.
3) The participants will receive the Zoom meeting ID and other information on Wednesday.
4) If we don’t get the minimum number of participants, the Language Center will postpone the session to another week.
5) If the registered participant fails to attend the workshop without informing the Language Center in advance, he/she will be banned from participating in this free workshop.