Semester and Inter-semester English Courses

EL 15 Academic Writing for Graduate Students

  • This course is designed to help you improve your sentence structures and academic text structures. You will be introduced to various academic language patterns and vocabulary which will be useful for your study at AIT. In this course, you will learn to analyze paragraphs, skim articles for main ideas and scan them for specific information in order to help you build well-written paragraphs. You will develop your academic writing and editing skills to improve your own writing. You will also learn about referencing and citations as well as to adopt strategies to avoid plagiarism.
  • Students are required to attend two 1.5 hour sessions per week (total of 3 hours).

EL 19 Academic and Technical Writing for Graduate Students

  • In this course, you will further improve your writing from feedback provided by your instructor. You will learn to analyze your own writing and to identify and correct errors. You will work to improve the quality of your arguments so that you can produce well-organized academic texts that are clear from start to finish. You will also learn about referencing and citations as well as to adopt strategies to avoid plagiarism. The course helps you practice the writing skills necessary for proposal and thesis writing.
  • Students are required to attend two 1.5 hour sessions per week (total of 3 hours)

Bridging Program

  • The Bridging program is an immersion program aiming to help incoming students to transition into the international and English-medium education at AIT. The program provides 3 main areas of training through talk-based and task-based approaches of teaching:
  • Academic English
  • Research skills
  • Intercultural communication skills