Score Description and Improvement Tips
Understanding Your Writing Score
Score 4.5 or Below
Task Fulfillment:
- The response does not fully answer the topic question.
- Important details are missing, and the writing lacks clarity.
- Poor grammar and unrelated information make it hard to understand.
Coherence & Cohesion:
- Sentences and paragraphs are not connected logically.
- The writing is disorganized and difficult for the reader to follow.
Vocabulary & Sentence Structure:
- Frequent grammar mistakes in almost every sentence.
- Some sentences lack verbs or subjects.
- Incorrect word choices and numerous spelling errors.
- Focus on learning basic grammar, sentence structure, and vocabulary.
- Read regularly to familiarize yourself with sentence patterns.
- Practice writing short, simple sentences to build confidence.
Score 5.0
Task Fulfillment:
- The writer attempts to answer the question, but important details are missing.
- Some sentences don’t make sense due to grammar mistakes.
Coherence & Cohesion:
- Ideas are not well-organized; points are mixed or repeated.
- Paragraphs lack clear structure, making it difficult to follow.
Vocabulary & Sentence Structure:
- Limited vocabulary leads to repetitive word use.
- Grammar mistakes include incorrect singular/plural forms and verb tenses.
- Spelling errors are still common.
- Study grammar rules related to sentence structure, tenses, and subject-verb agreement.
- Practice linking ideas logically within paragraphs.
- Read more in English to expand vocabulary and writing style.
Score 5.5
Task Fulfillment:
- The essay answers the topic but includes incorrect or unrelated information.
- Some important details are missing or inappropriate for academic writing.
Coherence & Cohesion:
- Paragraphs are not clearly structured, making it hard to identify key points.
- Ideas are not linked smoothly, causing confusion.
Vocabulary & Sentence Structure:
- Limited vocabulary makes expressing ideas difficult.
- Incorrect use of word forms (e.g., develop/development) and prepositions.
- Complex sentences often contain grammar errors.
- Increase exposure to academic writing through reading.
- Practice organizing essays with clear paragraphing.
- Work on improving grammar by focusing on verb tenses and word forms.