Research Workshop Series

For more information or inquiries, please send an email to or contact Room 216 at the Language Center.

Research Workshop Series 2025

  • Effective Reading Strategies for Research

This workshop is aimed at helping postgraduate students employ useful and practical reading strategies, enabling them to comprehend research papers and articles more effectively. Students will also learn to track the progression of ideas presented in the paper, highlight key pieces of information, and summarize the main idea(s) and results.

    • 14-Feb (Fri), 15:00 – 17:00
    • Guest speaker: Dr. Ivan Ivanov
    • In-person at the Online Studio Room, Library
  • The APA Style of Writing a Research Paper

The 7th edition (2020) replaced the 6th edition published in 2009 offering wide-ranging guidelines, from font specifications to ethical compliance and reporting standards. This online workshop will present the changes made and enables you to understand and apply the guidelines in your research work.

    • 21-Feb, 10:00 – 12:00
    • Guest speaker: Dr. Mary Rose G. A. Sarausad
    • In-person at the Online Studio Room, Library
    • Via ZOOM
  • Proofreading and Editing in Academic Writing Workshop
    • To provide a systematic approach for reviewing one’s writing and be more aware of areas where it needs revision and editing.
    • To present a structured approach for revising one’s work and improve its focus, organization, development, grammar and vocabulary.
    • To present an ethical and responsible approach in using technology to assist the revision process.
    • 14-Mar (Fri), 10:00-12:00
    • Guest Lecturer: Dr. Freek Olaf De Groot
    • Via ZOOM

  • The Editorial Process and Getting Your Paper Published

A step-by-step guide on the submission and editorial process will be presented. Students will also be exposed to some specific expectations of editors and reviewers, common mistakes that need to be avoided and how to respond to comments. Through this online workshop, students can increase their chances of getting their papers published.

    • 21-Mar-2023 (Fri),
    • Guest Speaker: Dr. Gabrielle Groves
    • Via ZOOM
  • Data Management and Presentation

This workshop focuses on some of the common aspects of data analysis and presentation. Students will be exposed to some important topics such as types of data and variables, levels of measurements, types of statistics, and commonly used statistical tools to analyze data. Another important aspect of this workshop is learning how to present and interpret meaningful data using appropriate vocabulary by looking at well-written examples.

    • Part 1: Part 1 : 18-Apr (Fri), 10:00-12:00
    • Part 2: Part 2 : 25-Apr (Fri), 10:00-12:00
    • Guest Lecturer: Dr. Marc Voelker
    • Via ZOOM

      Research Workshop Series


      • How to Structure Your Research Article
        • Equip participants with the techniques and knowledge needed to write a research paper
        • Help students craft effective thesis statements, provide evidence to support their claims, and structure a research article efficiently.
          • 22-Nov, 15:00 – 17:00
          • Guest speaker: Dr. Mary Rose Sarausad
          • Via ZOOM
      • Proofreading and Editing in Academic Writing Workshop
        • To provide a systematic approach for reviewing one’s writing and be more aware of areas where it needs revision and editing.
        • To present a structured approach for revising one’s work and improve its focus, organization, development, grammar and vocabulary.
        • To present an ethical and responsible approach in using technology to assist the revision process.
        • 1-Nov (Fri), 15:00-17:00
        • Guest Lecturer: Dr. Freek Olaf De Groot
        • Via ZOOM
        • Data Management and Presentation

        This workshop focuses on some of the common aspects of data analysis and presentation. Students will be exposed to some important topics such as types of data and variables, levels of measurements, types of statistics, and commonly used statistical tools to analyze data. Another important aspect of this workshop is learning how to present and interpret meaningful data using appropriate vocabulary by looking at well-written examples.

          • Part 1: Part 1 : 18-Oct (Fri), 10:00-12:00
          • Part 2: Part 2 : 25-Oct (Fri), 10:00-12:00
          • Guest Lecturer: Dr. Marc Voelker
          • Via ZOOM
              • The Features of Academic Writing

              The 7th edition (2020) replaced the 6th edition published in 2009 offering wide-ranging guidelines, from font specifications to ethical compliance and reporting standards. This online workshop will present the changes made and enables you to understand and apply the guidelines in your research work.

                • 4-Oct, 15:00 – 17:00
                • Guest speaker: Dr. Ivan Ivanov
                • In-person
              • The Editorial Process and Getting Your Paper Published

              A step-by-step guide on the submission and editorial process will be presented. Students will also be exposed to some specific expectations of editors and reviewers, common mistakes that need to be avoided and how to respond to comments. Through this online workshop, students can increase their chances of getting their papers published.

                • 13-Sep-2024 (Fri), 10:00-12:00
                • Guest Speaker: Dr. Gabrielle Groves
                • Via ZOOM
              • Research Writing Retreat on May 10 via Zoom.
                • 10:00 – 12:00 p.m. – Paraphrasing, Summarizing, and Quoting
                • 10:00 – 12:00 p.m. – Techniques for Self-Editing your Paper
                • 1:00 – 3:00 p.m.  – Developing Cohesive Paragraphs
                • 3:00 – 5:00 p.m. – Incorporating and Interpreting Statistical Results
                • 3:00 – 5:00 p.m. – Incorporating and Interpreting Qualitative Information
              • How to Write a Research Article

              The 7th edition (2020) replaced the 6th edition published in 2009 offering wide-ranging guidelines, from font specifications to ethical compliance and reporting standards. This online workshop will present the changes made and enables you to understand and apply the guidelines in your research work.

                • 19-Apr, 14:00 – 16:00
                • Guest speaker: Dr. Atula Ahuja
                • Online
              • The Features of Academic Writing

              The 7th edition (2020) replaced the 6th edition published in 2009 offering wide-ranging guidelines, from font specifications to ethical compliance and reporting standards. This online workshop will present the changes made and enables you to understand and apply the guidelines in your research work.

                • 26-Apr, 14:00 – 16:00
                • Guest speaker: Dr. Ivan Ivanov
                • In-person
              • Data Management and Presentation

              This workshop focuses on some of the common aspects of data analysis and presentation. Students will be exposed to some important topics such as types of data and variables, levels of measurements, types of statistics, and commonly used statistical tools to analyze data. Another important aspect of this workshop is learning how to present and interpret meaningful data using appropriate vocabulary by looking at well-written examples.

                • Part 1: Part 1 : 19-Jan (Fri), 14:00-16:00
                • Part 2: Part 2 : 26-Jan (Fri), 14:00-16:00
                • Guest Lecturer: Dr. Marc Voelker
                • Via ZOOM
              • How to Write a Good Literature Review

                The main aim of this workshop is to support students in developing a good literature review by following some basic approaches, rules, and structures. Students will be given some useful techniques in maximizing the use of the literature, effectively incorporating information in their writing, and in avoiding plagiarism.

                • 16-Feb (Fri), 14:00 – 16:00
                • Guest speaker: Dr. Mary Rose G. A. Sarausad
                • In-person
              • Techniques for Effective Research Presentations

              In this workshop, students will learn how to create a visual representation of their research and how to communicate their findings clearly and logically using various techniques. There will be mock presentations during the session for students to demonstrate their ability to apply what they have learned.

                • 15-Mar (Fri), 14:00 – 16:00
                • Guest Speaker: Mr. Voravate Chonlasin
                • In-person
              • The APA Style of Writing a Research Paper

              The 7th edition (2020) replaced the 6th edition published in 2009 offering wide-ranging guidelines, from font specifications to ethical compliance and reporting standards. This online workshop will present the changes made and enables you to understand and apply the guidelines in your research work.

                • 5-Apr, 14:00 – 16:00
                • Guest speaker: Dr. Mary Rose G. A. Sarausad
                • In-person


              • Data Management and Presentation

              This workshop focuses on some of the common aspects of data analysis and presentation. Students will be exposed to some important topics such as types of data and variables, levels of measurements, types of statistics, and commonly used statistical tools to analyze data. Another important aspect of this workshop is learning how to present and interpret meaningful data using appropriate vocabulary by looking at well-written examples.

                • Part 1: Part 1 : 8-Sep (Fri), 14:00-16:00
                • Part 2: Part 2 : 15-Sep (Fri), 14:00-16:00
                • Guest Lecturer: Dr. Marc Voelker
                • Via ZOOM
              • The Editorial Process and Getting Your Paper Published

              A step-by-step guide on the submission and editorial process will be presented. Students will also be exposed to some specific expectations of editors and reviewers, common mistakes that need to be avoided and how to respond to comments. Through this online workshop, students can increase their chances of getting their papers published.

                • 29-Sep-2023 (Fri), 10:00-12:00
                • Guest Speaker: Dr. Gabrielle Groves
                • In-person at the Training Room, Library
              • Techniques for Effective Research Presentations

              In this workshop, students will learn how to create a visual representation of their research and how to communicate their findings clearly and logically using various techniques. There will be mock presentations during the session for students to demonstrate their ability to apply what they have learned.

                • 6-Oct (Fri), 14:00 – 16:00
                • Guest Speaker: Mr. Voravate Chonlasin
                • Via ZOOM
              • How to Write a Good Literature Review

              The main aim of this workshop is to support students in developing a good literature review by following some basic approaches, rules, and structures. Students will be given some useful techniques in maximizing the use of the literature, effectively incorporating information in their writing, and in avoiding plagiarism.

                • 20-Oct (Fri), 13:00 – 15:00
                • Guest speaker: Dr. Mary Rose G. A. Sarausad
                • Via ZOOM
              • The APA Style of Writing a Research Paper

              The 7th edition (2020) replaced the 6th edition published in 2009 offering wide-ranging guidelines, from font specifications to ethical compliance and reporting standards. This online workshop will present the changes made and enables you to understand and apply the guidelines in your research work.

                • 10-Nov (Fri), 15:00 – 17:00
                • Guest speaker: Dr. Mary Rose G. A. Sarausad
                • Via ZOOM
              • Effective Reading Strategies for Research

              This workshop is aimed at helping postgraduate students employ useful and practical reading strategies, enabling them to comprehend research papers and articles more effectively. Students will also learn to track the progression of ideas presented in the paper, highlight key pieces of information, and summarize the main idea(s) and results.

                • 24-Nov (Fri), 14:00 – 16:00
                • Guest speaker: Dr. Ivan Ivanov
                • In-person at the Training Room, Library


              • Techniques for Effective Research Presentations
                In this workshop, students will learn how to create a visual representation of their research and how to communicate their findings clearly and logically using various techniques. There will be mock presentations during the session for students to demonstrate their ability to apply what they have learned.
                • 16 March 2023 (Thursday, 2:30 – 4:30 p.m.)
                • Guest Speaker: Mr. Voravate Chonlasin
              • The APA Style of Writing a Research Paper
                The 7th edition (2020) replaced the 6th edition published in 2009 offering wide-ranging guidelines, from font specifications to ethical compliance and reporting standards. This online workshop will present the changes made and enables you to understand and apply the guidelines in your research work.
                • 31 March 2023 (Friday 3:00-5:00 p.m.)
                • Guest speaker: Dr. Mary Rose G. A. Sarausad
              • Data Management and Presentation

              This workshop focuses on some of the common aspects of data analysis and presentation. Students will be exposed to some important topics such as types of data and variables, levels of measurements, types of statistics, and commonly used statistical tools to analyze data. Another important aspect of this workshop is learning how to present and interpret meaningful data using appropriate vocabulary by looking at well-written examples.

                • Part 1 – 21 April 2023 (Friday, 2:00 – 4:00 p.m.)
                • Part 2 – 28 April 2023 (Friday, 2:00 – 4:00 p.m.)
                • Guest Lecturer: Dr. Marc Voelker
              • Effective Reading Strategies for Research
                This workshop is aimed at helping postgraduate students employ useful and practical reading strategies, enabling them to comprehend research papers and articles more effectively. Students will also learn to track the progression of ideas presented in the paper, highlight key pieces of information, and summarize the main idea(s) and results.
                • 7 April 2023 (Friday, 3:00 – 5:00 p.m.)
                • Guest speaker: Dr. Atula Ahuja
              • How to Write a Good Literature Review
                The main aim of this workshop is to support students in developing a good literature review by following some basic approaches, rules, and structures. Students will be given some useful techniques in maximizing the use of the literature, effectively incorporating information in their writing, and in avoiding plagiarism.
                • 10 February 2022 (Friday, 3:00 – 5:00 p.m.)
                • Guest Speaker: Dr. Mary Rose G. A. Sarausad
              • The Editorial Process and Getting Your Paper Published
                A step-by-step guide on the submission and editorial process will be presented.
                Students will also be exposed to some specific expectations of editors and reviewers, common mistakes that need to be avoided and how to respond to comments. Through this online workshop, students can increase their chances of getting their papers published.
                • 24 February 2023 (Friday, 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.)
                • Guest Speaker: Dr. Gabrielle Groves


              • Techniques for Effective Research Presentations
                In this workshop, students will learn how to create a visual representation of their research and how to communicate their findings clearly and logically using various techniques. There will be mock presentations during the session for students to demonstrate their ability to apply what they have learned.
                • October 28, 2022, 3:00-5:00 p.m. (online via Zoom)
                • Guest speaker: Mr. Voravate Chonlasin, Business Development Director, AIT Extension
              • The APA Style of Writing a Research Paper
                The 7th edition (2020) replaced the 6th edition published in 2009 offering wide-ranging guidelines, from font specifications to ethical compliance and reporting standards. This online workshop will present the changes made and enables you to understand and apply the guidelines in your research work.
                • November 4, 2022, 3:00-5:00 p.m. (online via Zoom)
                • Guest speaker: Dr. Mary Rose G. A. Sarausad
              • Data Management and Presentation
                This workshop focuses on some of the common aspects of data analysis and presentation. Students will be exposed to some important topics such as types of data and variables, levels of measurements, types of statistics, and commonly used statistical tools to analyze data. Another important aspect of this workshop is learning how to present and interpret meaningful data using appropriate vocabulary by looking at well-written examples.
                • November 11. 2022, 2:00-5:00 p.m. (online via Zoom)
                • Guest speaker: Dr. Marc Voelker
              • Writing a Good Literature Review

              The main aim of this workshop is to support students in developing a good literature review by following some basic approaches, rules, and structures. Students will be given some useful techniques in maximizing the use of the literature, effectively incorporating information in their writing, and in avoiding plagiarism.

                • October 7, 2022, Friday 15:00 -17:00 (online via Zoom)
                • Guest speaker: Dr. Mary Rose G. A. Sarausad
              • Effective Reading Strategies for Research
                This workshop is aimed at helping postgraduate students employ useful and practical reading strategies, enabling them to comprehend research papers and articles more effectively. Students will also learn to track the progression of ideas presented in the paper, highlight key pieces of information, and summarize the main idea(s) and results.
                • September 16, 2022, Friday 15:00 -17:00 (online via Zoom)
                • Guest speaker: Dr. Atula Ahuja
              • How to Write a Good Literature Review

              February 25, 2022, Friday 3:00 – 5:00 pm

              Guest Speaker: Dr. Mary Rose G. A. Sarausad 

              About the workshop:

              This workshop is for students who are working on their dissertation, master’s thesis or research study.  Participants are guided through the process of writing  a literature review, covering general and useful techniques for structuring the section. 

              • The 7th Edition of the APA Publication Manual (2020)

              April 8, 2022, Friday 3:00- 5:00 pm

              Guest Speaker: Dr. Mary Rose G. A. Sarausad

              About the workshop:

              The 7th edition (2020) replaced the 6th edition published in 2009 offering wide-ranging guidelines, from font specifications to ethical compliance and reporting standards. This online workshop will present the changes made, and enables you to understand and apply the guidelines in your research work.                   


              • Data Management and Presentation

              22 April 2022, Friday, 3:00 – 6:00 pm

              Guest speaker:  Dr. Marc Voelker   

              About workshop:

              This workshop focuses on some of the common aspects of data analysis and presentation.   Students will be exposed to some important topics such as types of data and variables, levels of measurements, types of statistics, and commonly used statistical tools to analyze data.  Another important aspect of this workshop is learning how to present and interpret meaningful data using appropriate vocabulary by looking at well-written examples.

              • The Editorial Process and Getting Your Paper Published          

              18 March 2022, Friday 3:00-5:00 pm                                             

              Guest Speaker: Dr. Philippe Doneys, AIT 

              About the workshop:                                                                     
              A step-by-step guide on the submission and editorial process will be presented. Students will also be exposed to some specific expectations of editors and reviewers, common mistakes that need to be avoided and how to respond to comments. Through this online workshop, students are able to increase their chances of getting their papers published. 
              • Effective Reading Strategies for Research 

              February 11, 2022,  Friday 3:00-5:00 pm (FULL)

              Guest Speaker: Dr. Atula Ahuja

              About the workshop:
              The workshop is aimed at helping postgraduate students read and comprehend research papers and articles more effectively. The focus is on providing students with useful strategies that will help them read efficiently and effectively. Students will also learn  to track the progression of ideas presented in the paper, highlight key pieces of information and summarize the main idea and results.


              • One-Day Writing Retreat 

                • December 10, 2021 (Friday) 10:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.

              Writing up a research project, thesis, or dissertation is often a daunting possibility for students and researchers particularly if one has not done it before.  This retreat will provide participants with different strategies to improve their academic writing skills and progress consistently through the following sessions.  

                • 10:00 – 12:00 p.m. – Paraphrasing, Summarizing and Quoting
                  • Guest Speaker: Mr. Emilio Paz Jr.

                • 1:00 – 3:00 p.m.  – Developing Cohesive Paragraphs

                  • Guest Speaker: Mr. David Thomas

                • 1:00 – 3:00 p.m. – Incorporating and Interpreting Statistical Results

                  • Guest Speaker: Mr. Nishanta Sharma

                • 3:00 – 5:00 p.m. – Incorporating and Interpreting Qualitative Information

                  • Guest Speaker: Dr. Mary Rose G.A. Sarausad

                • 3:00 – 5:00 p.m. – Techniques for Self-Editing your Paper 

                  • Guest Speaker: Mr. David Thomas

              • The APA Style of Writing a Research Paper
                • November 19, 2021 [3:00 – 5:00 p.m.]
                • Guest Speaker: Dr. Mary Rose G. A. Sarausad
              The 7th edition (2020) replaced the 6th edition published in 2009 offering wide-ranging guidelines, from font specifications to ethical compliance and reporting standards. This online workshop will present the changes made, and enables you to understand and apply the guidelines in your research work. 
              • The Editorial Process and Getting Your Paper Published
                • November 5, 2021 [4:00 – 6:00 p.m.]

              Guest Speaker: Dr. Nguyen Q. Phuong
              A step-by-step guide on the submission and editorial process will be presented. Students will also be exposed to some specific expectations of editors and reviewers, common mistakes that need to be avoided and how to respond to comments. Through this online workshop, students are able to increase their chances of getting their papers published.   

              • Techniques for Effective Research Presentation
                • October 22, 2021 [4:00 – 6:00 p.m.]
                • Guest Speaker: Miss Ma. Nica Sasil

              In this workshop, students will learn how to create a visual representation of their research and how to communicate their findings clearly and logically using various techniques.  There will be mock presentations during the session in order for the students to demonstrate their ability to apply what they have learned.       

              • Data Management and Presentation
                • October 15, 2021 [4:00 – 7:00 p.m.]
                • Guest Speaker: Dr. Hayat Ullah

              This workshop focuses on some of the common aspects of data analysis and presentation.   Students will be exposed to some important topics such as types of data and variables, levels of measurements, types of statistics, and commonly used statistical tools to analyze data.  Another important aspect of this workshop is learning how to present and interpret meaningful data using appropriate vocabulary by looking at well-written examples.           

              • Nature and AIT

                • 14 October 2021, Thursday 1:00-2:00 pm

                • Guest speaker: Eri Shimoyama

              • Writing a Good Literature Review
                • October 8, 2021 [2:00 – 4:00 p.m.]
                • Guest Speaker: Dr. Mary Rose G.A. Sarausad

              The main aim of this workshop is to support students in developing a good literature review by following some basic approaches, rules and structures. Students will be given some useful techniques in maximizing the use of the literature, effectively incorporating information in their writing, and in avoiding plagiarism.

              • Reading Strategies in Research

                • October 1, 2021, 2:30 pm – 4:30 pm.  
                • Guest speaker: Dr. Analiza P. Amurao, Mahidol University

              This workshop is aimed at helping postgraduate students employ useful and practical reading strategies, enabling them to comprehend research papers and articles more effectively. Students will also learn to track the progression of ideas presented in the paper, highlight key pieces of information and summarize the main idea(s) and results.

              • Effective Public Speaking
                • 24 September 2021, Friday, 4:00 pm – 6:00 pm
                • Guest speaker: Ms. Maria Nica Anne Sasil

              The fear of public speaking happens to almost everyone, including the most experienced speakers. However, being a dynamic and excellent public speaker takes not only confidence, but also practice and a honed set of skills. In this workshop, we will work on building your confidence, improving your ability to handle stage anxiety, identifying and knowing your audience, improving your stage presence using your best skills, and organizing and delivering your speech at a good and clear pace. At the end of the session, you will see public speaking as a positive and enjoyable experience.

              • English Conversation and Pronunciation

                • 17 September 2021, Friday 3:00pm-5:00pm

                • Guest speaker:  Dr. Kal Elle, Mahidol University

              This workshop will look at the main barriers to speaking in English and the ways to overcome them. The session will emphasize practical techniques for improving English conversational skills and pronunciation. It will consist of paired and group speaking activities and a basic introduction to discussion language in order to develop speaking skills, required for academic class discussions.

              • Intercultural Awareness and Communication
                • September 3, 2021, Friday 2:30 pm – 4:30 pm.

                • Lecturer: Dr. Analiza P. Amurao, Mahidol University

              Given how globalization, aided by technology, has made it possible for people to live more closely than ever, this workshop allows participants to examine the importance of learning and exploring intercultural communication to help them be more sensitive to and appreciative of their own and other cultures.        

              • The Editorial Process and Getting Your Paper Published
                • April 30, 2021 [3:00 – 5:00 p.m.]
                • Guest Speaker: Dr. Nguyen Quynh Phuong
              • SPSS in Research
                • April 8, 2021 [2:00 – 5:00 p.m.]
                • Guest Speaker: Dr. Manoj Kamble
              • Effective Research Presentations
                • March 25, 2021 [3:00 – 5:00 p.m.]
                • Guest Speaker: Ms. Ma. Nica Anne Sasil
              • Reading Strategies for Comprehending Research Papers
                • March 4, 2021 [3:00 – 5:00 p.m.]
                • Guest Speaker: Dr. Atula Ahuja
              • The 7th Edition of the APA Publication Manual (2020)
                • February 25, 2021 [3:00 – 5:00 p.m.]
                • Guest Speaker: Dr. Mary Rose G. A. Sarausad


              Research Workshop Series 2019 – 2020

              • Editorial Process & Publication
                • April 30, 2021 from 3 to 5 p.m.
                • Milton Bender Auditorium
              • Data Management and Presentation
                • March 27, 2020 from 2 to 5 p.m.
                • Milton Bender Auditorium
              • Descriptive and Inferential Statistics
                • February 28, 2021 from 2 to 5 p.m.
                • Milton Bender Auditorium
              • Incorporating Data into Research Writing
                • January 30, 2021 from 2 to 4 p.m.
                • Milton Bender Auditorium


              • The APA Style of Referencing (LC & SU collaboration)
                • November 27, 2019 from 2 to 5 p.m.
                • Milton Bender Auditorium]
              • How to Write the Literature Review
                • October 25, 2019 from 3 to 5 p.m.
                • Milton Bender Auditorium]