The same format applies to all types of research—master’s thesis, PhD dissertation, special study, and internship.
Where to find a separate file on how to format reference entries of different materials or sources? A:Click here
How do I remove the instructional text in the template document? A: Hover over the instructional text, click on it, then click the ellipsis (three-dot) symbol to select the entire text, and begin typing to replace it.
What format do I use for text? A: The instructional text is pre-formatted; any new text you type will automatically adopt the same formatting.
How do I use the .dotx template file? A: The .dotx Word Template file enables you to make changes without altering the original template. Every time you save the file, it automatically prompts a “Save As” action and saves the document as a .docx file.
What format should I use for tables and figures? A: The formats for tables and figures are specified on pages 4 and 6, respectively. The table title should appear before the table, and the figure title after the figure; both should be bolded and centered. You may use Quick Parts for tables and figures. In the Word search box, type “Quick Parts” and select “Explore Quick Parts” to find the formatted options (Figure, Figure Title, Table, Table Title). For the Table Quick Part, you can either replace the text (using the same method as in question 1) or add/remove cells, columns, and rows. For the Figure Quick Part, simply click to select an image, and ensure that the Figure Title and Table Title are centered.
How do I save my document as a .pdf file? A: Go to File > Save As, choose your desired location, and in the “Save as type” dropdown menu, select “PDF” to save your document as a .pdf file.